Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Uncharted by Angela Hunt

I must admit that this book was much more than I had anticipated. I have found that Angela Hunt is very diverse in her topics, settings and plot. Every book seems to have a little different twist. I would say that this is my favorite so far! This book has made me think much more than I had ever intended when I started the book.

The story in a nutshell, without giving away the ending, is about 6 college friends that met while selling a book. Most are very successful after 15 years apart. They are reunited after one of the six dies. Hunt did a great job in developing each of the characters. You knew what motivated them to come to the funeral and finally to go on a mission to build an orphanage in memory of their now dead friend.

The ending was not what I expected. If you have a chance, this is a book I would add to any book list. It is fairly easy to read and would make a great book for a book study. The discussion would be great.

Thanks for reading


1 comment:

Susanne said...

It was a great book wasn't it? I could not even do my review for a couple days, the things that were churning over in my mind from reading this. I'll definitely be rereading sometime. I'm glad I bought it instead of borrowing it.