Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Little House Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder

This time period in our history has always fascinated me. The heart and soul of our country was built on these pioneers that challenged the wilderness and survived. Many people did not as the blizzards arrived unannounced - no doppler radar back then. I can only imagine huddling by the stove to stay warm as the wind blew. These were not southern winters but good old fashion South Dakota snow and cold.

I enjoy her perspective from a child - the joys of Christmas candy and simply walking by the streams in the summer. We take so much for granted compared to the kind of work that had to be done before machines/technology. She shares her personal struggle to act like a girl and not play games with the boys. Laura always struggled to "be good". She was raised to be polite and always obedient to her parents.

I enjoyed this series and it is a great children's book series.