Friday, April 20, 2007

Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel

This book has been on my reading list for awhile. I work as a science teacher and I felt like this was one of those books that I should read. It gave me scientific facts for why evolution is not really possible, especially in the way that Darwin had described it.

Strobel examined six areas of science to come to the conclusion that our world and "selves" could only have been a product of intelligent design and not just a happenstance of nature. Here are a couple of highlights.

From Physics: The chance that all the constants in Physics would (gravity, friction, size of the earth, speed of light and sound, etc.) exist in such a way that we would not be crushed or hurt. About 30 of these exist - and for them to randomly to occur is mathematically impossible.

From Biochemistry: No real explanation for what is called the Cambrian Explosion - where suddenly (in geological time) many complex organisms appeared. There are still not transition organisms found before this time. There is also a great explanation about how complex machines - many located in a simple cell - could not have "evolved" into being. The machine was designed for a particular function. To take away one of the pieces would make it not function - it was not modified from something else but was created for one specific purpose.

From Biology: DNA. Every strand has millions of combinations and each has a purpose. It is hard to think that this just happened by chance - to get just the right atoms to combine. Strobel does a great job of presenting the science that shows how this would be impossible without a designer organizing the information of our DNA.

From Psychology: It has been thought that the brain and our consciousness are one and the same thing. Do we have a "self" apart from our physical brain? So we have a soul? If we do, then we are more then just a bunch of chemicals and have eternal consequences.

This is a very detailed book. Lots of facts. Strobel does a good job of finding examples that make sense to the not science person. I really helped solidify my view of a creator and will help me defend (as if He needs that) my view if needed.

Thanks for reading!



Christine said...

This was a great book, and a review coming from a science teacher is very valuable, I think. Thanks for visiting my blog today, have a blessed day!

Susanne said...

Thanks for coming by my place and leaving a comment today!

I haven't read anything by Lee Strobel. But I see your reading Karen Kingsbury. She's one of my fave authors and I loved the Redemption series. Haven't read any of these, yet though.

Nise' said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such an encouraging note! Great book review. I have read Case for Christ, along with my son, he had to read it for a bible class in high school. I just finished Ever After by Karen Kingsbury. Great Book!

Connie Barris said...

This too was an awesome book...

I read this very early on in my Christian walk and now refer back to it for references....