Thursday, June 19, 2008

SisterChicks in Gondolas by Robin Jones Gunn

I try to read one of Gunn's sisterchicks books every once in awhile. She does a great job of hiding spiritual truth into the story - just like real life. God is always trying to teach us something as we walk through our days.

Gunn takes us to Italy with her sisterchicks as they try to find new meaning in their lives. One sister is divorced and now an empty nester and the other is struggling to find normal after her husbands car accident. This trip to Italy is a chance to serve as cooks for a misssionary conference. The women learn about waiting on God and listening. They find the balance in a faraway land as they discover that their lives are not over yet and they can still serve in so many ways.

I enjoyed this book. A refreshing change.

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